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A short but inspiring book business people should read now!

A short but inspiring book business people should read now! As those of you who interact with me over one or more of the media channels will know, I love to share great advice. And here is a piece I urge you to follow. Read this book as soon as you can. It will only...

Want grant funding for your growth?

Want grant funding for your growth? It’s a little-known fact that there is Government funding available to help SME’s grow. Both capital and Revenue expenditure.  But the clock is ticking, so act NOW!    The problem is they aren’t well signposted....

The Power of Personal Referrals

The Power of Personal Referrals   This week, I delivered a presentation at a National Sales Conference for a large client. Apart from getting a real buzz from the event, I decided the story behind it would make a good blog. All being well, the work I will be...