Welcome to the new Koru Consulting website

You have been re-directed here as a result of the integration of Koru Consulting, The SalesPulse Academy and Productive Sales Professionals, bringing you all the benefits of our individual expertise under one brand.


How do your sales managers spend their time?

How do your sales managers spend their time? The title is supposed to be thought-provoking rather than critical. In many organisations there are lots of demands on a sales director’s or manager’s time.  Management meetings, business reviews upwards and downwards,...

Stop being a busy fool!

Stop being a busy fool! Running and growing a business is a tough task; a very difficult balancing act, you might say.  All too often, we hear from customers who are ‘run ragged’. They have no time to take a step back from the detail of day-to-day business...

The Power of Personal Referrals

The Power of Personal Referrals   This week, I delivered a presentation at a National Sales Conference for a large client. Apart from getting a real buzz from the event, I decided the story behind it would make a good blog. All being well, the work I will be...

The Importance of Storytelling in Business

The Importance of Storytelling in Business I went to a networking meeting this morning and the spotlight presenter was a Web designer. I thought we were in for a pitch on the value of this tool or that plug-in to drive traffic to our sites.   But no, he started...