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Sell More By Giving First

Sell More By Giving First







I always try to take my own medicine.  So when I read a couple of articles in the same day about giving value as part of establishing credibility, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to share the sentiment.

I have, for some while, been an advocate of offering value to people who read my articles.  I try to ensure that they gain some insight they might not have otherwise been aware of.  It certainly seems to strike a chord from the feedback I receive.  Yes, my aim is to be at the forefront of people’s minds when they decide they need advice and assitance to grow their sales, but I always try to avoid the temptation to take the ‘easy’ route and just churn out blatant ads for my service.

My experience of working in an advisory field is that people are skeptical of Consultants, unless they have been personally referred to them by a trusted colleague – or they have had time to build trust prior to engagement.  In this regard, I hope my attempts to offer information of value (at least in my opinion) is doing just that.

Either way, we all need to be aware of it.  It’s rare to find a prospect who is looking for what you do at the time of first contact. So building trust and credibility is key in this era of ‘Socail Selling’.  Something for you to consider as you go about your Marketing activities.  And whilst you’re at it, have a read of the article on Giving First by Frank Rumbauskas.  You can read it by clicking here.