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Email Marketing Tips for Small Business


Happy New Year!

Email Marketing Tips for Small Business

Over the Holiday period, I read an article in 40billion.com that reaffirmed my view about Email Marketing.  At the risk of being ‘hoisted by my own petard’, I wanted to share the link with you. It’s a really quick article to read, but it is worth it, to make sure you pick up the tips it offers.  I try to ensure that my emails are not too frequent.  I also endeavour to add value to the reader, rather than send blatant advertising.  It’s rare for me to be simply offering my services in an email.  People are too busy these days to be interested in receiving ads for stuff they may not need at that time.  I aim to create a level of credibility and trust so that when the time comes for them to need some help in growing their sales,they will reach out to me.

You can read the article by clicking here.

As with all digital Marketing, the key is to ensure you are visible and adding value.  Use as many media tools as you can, in the right proportion for your industry.  Try to measure the results of your campaigns by having a process to capture the source of inbound leads.  The old adage that ‘if you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll get the same results’ is true. So, why not try to make a few changes to your approach and measure the results to see if it is working.

All the best.