by steve | Mar 7, 2017 | Business Comment, The SalesPulse
IMPROVING SALES EFFECTIVENESS IS NOT JUST A SALES STRATEGY I closed last month’s issue by saying that improving sales effectiveness is not just sales strategy. If you treat it as this it will not generate the results you hope for, or expect, and you will miss...
by steve | Dec 17, 2015 | Business Comment, The SalesPulse
MANAGING MARKET CHANGE TO YOUR BENEFIT Markets are changing. In modern parlance they are being disrupted but for our older readers they are suffering discontinuities. For example, retail, probably the most dynamic sector is being changed not only by e-tailers, but...
by steve | Jul 23, 2015 | Business Comment, Sales, The SalesPulse
STRATEGIC ACCOUNTS: GETTING THE BALANCE RIGHT Last month’s SalesPulse had the title Strategic Accounts – are they important? As no one has said anything to the contrary let’s assume they are. But aren’t all customers important? Well the answer...
by steve | May 26, 2015 | Business Comment, Sales, The SalesPulse
WHATEVER HAPPENED TO SELLING? Nine years ago this month we published the first issue of The SalesPulse with this title. The run up to the election and a question I was asked about a sales methodology provoked me to revisit it. The thrust of the original edition was...
by steve | Apr 28, 2015 | Business Comment, The SalesPulse
PARTNERING FOR SUCCESS This month’s SalesPulse brings you the key learning points from our annual business conference which was held on 22nd April at the NEC. The topic was Partnering for Success, and the event turned out to be a great success. Using the Net...
by steve | Jan 6, 2015 | Business Comment, The SalesPulse
SOME THOUGHTS FOR BUSINESS SUCCESS IN 2015 Happy New Year. The respite is over and another set of challenges are on your desk. In this brief newsletter I am going to offer ten answers to the question, “What is it we can do to improve our chances of...