by steve | Jan 12, 2018 | General, The SalesPulse
ANOTHER YEAR SLIPS QUIETLY AWAY Quote of the month. “Dates that come around every year help us measure progress in our lives. One annual event, New Year’s day is a time of reflection and resolution”. Before long it will be 2018 and many of us will be faced with new...
by steve | Jan 12, 2018 | General, The SalesPulse
MAKING CONTINUOUS, SUSTAINABLE SALES LEARNING AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE Before going into the detail of this edition, I have to show you this photograph which fills a few great colleagues and me full of pride. The man on the left is Graham Davis, Sales Director of the...
by steve | Jan 12, 2018 | General, The SalesPulse
HAS TRADITIONAL TRAINING PASSED ITS SELL BY DATE? Training is not a panacea for improving sales performance. Yet it is the almost automatic choice of sales managers when it comes to fixing a sales issue. Why? It is an easy option; in the greater scheme of things it is...
by steve | Aug 7, 2017 | General, The SalesPulse
A GIANT STEP FORWARD IN EDUCATION FOR SALES PEOPLE My career destination was as a project manager. One of my colleagues started out in life as a local authority planner. However, we both ended up in sales and I am confident that 95% of sales people have similar...
by steve | Aug 7, 2017 | General, The SalesPulse
TO BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD YOU HAVE TO HAVE AN OBSESSION In this issue of The SalesPulse we are going to examine how sales people and senior business leaders can learn from sports people to improve their own and their company’s performance. Our headline this...
by steve | Aug 7, 2017 | General, The SalesPulse
MANAGERS LOVE THE EMPOWERED SELLER In the last issue of the SalesPulse we examined the role of the empowered buyer and how the internet had enabled him or her to outwit the poor old sales person. We talked about how professional procurers were doing everything they...